Friday, January 25, 2019

1949 AL Game: Phi. @ NY

August 19, 1949

  It was a slugfest in NY tonight as the Philadelphia A's outscored the Yankees 17-10. New York launched 5 homeruns in the game, 3 by Joe DiMaggio, but it wasn't enough to defeat the A's. Philadelphia put 11 runs on the scoreboard in the 1st inning, but the Yankees battled back throughout the game and the score was 12-10 heading into the 9th inning. That's when Philadelphia scored 4 more runs to put the game away.

BOXSCORE: 1949 Philadelphia Athletics At 1949 New York Yankees      8/19/1949
  Athletics          AB  R  H RBI AVG     Yankees            AB  R  H RBI AVG
  E.Joost SS          4  3  2  2 .237     P.Rizzuto SS        5  2  3  3 .277  
  W.Moses RF          4  4  2  1 .248     C.Mapes RF          5  0  0  0 .203  
  E.Valo LF           6  1  2  3 .263     T.Henrich 1B        4  0  1  0 .326  
  F.Fain 1B           4  2  2  4 .272     J.Dimaggio CF       5  3  3  4 .365  
  S.Chapman CF        4  1  1  3 .272     B.Johnson 3B        4  2  2  1 .205  
  T.Davis 3B          5  1  1  2 .262     J.Lindell LF        5  1  3  0 .242  
  B.Harris P          0  0  0  0 .357     J.Coleman 2B        2  1  1  1 .261  
  N.Fox 2B            5  1  1  0 .258     C.Silvera C         5  1  1  0 .283  
  M.Guerra C          5  2  2  1 .270     B.Porterfield P     0  0  0  0 .111  
  A.Kellner P         2  1  1  0 .240     D.Pillette P        0  0  0  1 .000  
  B.Shantz P          2  1  1  0 .192     J.Page P            1  0  0  0 .133  
A-P.Suder 3B          0  0  0  0 .288     F.Sanford P         0  0  0  0 .176  
                                        B-B.Brown PH          1  0  0  0 .266  
                     -- -- -- ---                            -- -- -- ---      
         Totals      41 17 15 16                 Totals      37 10 14 10
A-Subbed Defensively (3B) For Shantz In 9th Inning
B-Pinch Hit For Sanford In 9th Inning
Athletics.......11 0 1  0 0 1  0 0 4  - 17 15  0
Yankees......... 0 6 2  0 0 0  0 2 0  - 10 14  2
Athletics (55-60)        IP       H   R  ER  BB  SO  HR    ERA
A.Kellner                 2       6   6   6   0   1   3   4.32
B.Shantz                  6       8   4   4   5   4   2   3.99
B.Harris WIN(4-6)         1       0   0   0   0   0   0   3.92
Totals                    9      14  10  10   5   5   5
Yankees (68-45)          IP       H   R  ER  BB  SO  HR    ERA
B.Porterfiel LOSS(4-3)    0 1/3   6   8   6   1   0   0   3.54
D.Pillette                5 1/3   6   5   5   6   2   1   8.89
J.Page                    3       3   4   1   3   1   0   4.15
F.Sanford                 0 1/3   0   0   0   0   0   0   2.51
Totals                    9      15  17   9  10   3   1
ATTENDANCE- 38,518 DATE- Friday, August 19th 1949 TIME- Night WEATHER- Bad
UMPIRES- Eddie Rommel, Art Passarella, Jim Boyer, Eddie Hurley
T- 3:04
LEFT ON BASE- Athletics: 8  Yankees: 8
DOUBLE PLAYS- Athletics: 1  Yankees: 2
ERRORS- T.Henrich, C.Silvera
DOUBLES- W.Moses(12th), E.Valo(22nd), S.Chapman(22nd), B.Shantz, J.Lindell(8th)
HOME RUNS- M.Guerra(4th), P.Rizzuto(5th), J.Dimaggio-3(13th), B.Johnson(9th)
RBIs- E.Joost-2(51st), W.Moses(19th), E.Valo-3(49th), F.Fain-4(64th),
      S.Chapman-3(83rd), T.Davis-2(6th), M.Guerra(36th), P.Rizzuto-3(41st),
      J.Dimaggio-4(45th), B.Johnson(40th), J.Coleman(36th), D.Pillette
STOLEN BASES- F.Fain(10th)
SACRIFICE HITS- B.Shantz, D.Pillette-2
WALKS- E.Joost-2, W.Moses-2, F.Fain-2, S.Chapman-2, T.Davis, N.Fox, T.Henrich,
       B.Johnson, J.Coleman-3
STRIKE OUTS- E.Joost, T.Davis-2, C.Mapes-3, T.Henrich, J.Page
GIDP- S.Chapman, J.Dimaggio
2-out RBI- F.Fain-3, S.Chapman-3, M.Guerra, J.Dimaggio-2
RLISP 2-out- T.Davis-2, P.Rizzuto, W.Moses, J.Lindell, C.Mapes, N.Fox-2,
TEAM RISP- Athletics: 8 for 17  Yankees: 3 for 9
In a wild and wooly game at Yankee Stadium, the Philadelphia Athletics finally
topped the New York Yankees by the score of 17 to 10 in.
Philadelphia wasted no time and took the lead in the first inning as they
pummeled New York for 11 runs on 7 hits.  The big moment was provided by Sam
Chapman who deflated the spirits of the home town crowd when he doubled with
all three runners coming home.  Philadelphia kept the scorekeepers busy in
the 1st inning which saw them plate 11 runs on 7 hits and the 9th inning
which saw them plate 4 runs on 3 hits.  Philadelphia totaled 15 hits on the
Bubba Harris(4-6) went 1 inning allowing no runs for the victory. Bob
Porterfield(4-3) was hit with the loss.  He surrendered 6 hits and 1 walk in
1/3 of an inning.  

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